woensdag 8 juli 2009
Video's LIBER Congresa Toulouse 2009
De video's van de pleinaire sesseis van het LIBER congres 2009 zijn beschikbaar via http://bit.ly/jDJns
donderdag 2 juli 2009
The "Best Place to Be": How STM Academic Libraries can survive if they offer Something to everyone in the campus. The EPFL's Rolex Learning Center
Spreker/directeur gaat in op ervaringen van bouwtraject van het Rolex Learning Centre. Het Centre opent in februari 2010 en wordt gesponsord door Rolex.

Algemene informatie over dit centrum is te vinden op: http://learningcenter.epfl.ch
De missie en de aangeboden voorzieningen zijn te vinden via:
General remarks :
The entire building must be as flexible as possible on purpose to integrate new initiatives which are not very definite at present, or are rather unknown, linked to the social and technological evolutions in the 20-30 coming years.
At the other hand, in view of the size of investments and resulting impacts, the project for the new Rolex Learning Center must integrate the concern regarding construction compatible with sustainable development, as well as an energy strategy for the building though its site selection, orientation, volumetry, operation and materiality.
1. Library / scientific information areas (6.160 m2)
including : library reception, advice and bibliographic search , lending machines, multimedia library, group work and relaxation area, research collection, internal services for approx. 35-40 staff members
2. Teaching areas (1.150 m2), including : room for user-training and professional conferences, CRAFT offices (Centre de Recherche et d'Appui pour la Formation et ses Technologies), offices and reception of the Language and Multimedia Centre
3. Living areas (1.875 m2), including : main entrance hall, help desk (L.C. reception + Centralized information EPFL), meeting point, cybercafé, self-service cafeteria, upmarket restaurant, reception room, Agepoly boutique and office (student association), secretariat of EPFL Graduates' Association, merchandising boutique of EPFL
4. Cultural areas ( 1.690 m2) including : exhibitions, multipurpose areas, (conferences, entertainment, ...), multimedia bookshop, sale of entertainment tickets, PPUR (Presses Polytechniques Universitaires Romandes, the university press)
5. Service areas (3.500 m2) including : office material, post, deliveries, EPFL archives, building maintenance area, underground car park, outside car park
Total working areas : 14.375 m2
Er zijn gaten en hellingen in het Rolex Learning Center waardoor de ruimte lijkt op een landschap.

EPFL is een van de twee zwitserse Federal Instituties of Technology.
Het is een Multiculturele universiteit met:
5.000 studentens, 1600 PHD, 270 professords (FTE), 2500 staff.
Universiteit doet het erg goed bij de internationale rankings. Aanleidingen voor bouwproject is onder andere de grote toename van aantal studenten van 2.000 naar 7.000. Ambitie van universiteit is hoge kwaliteit van onderwijs.
Bij de bouw/inrichting is gekeken naar het Concept for 21ste Century Library opgesteld door Les Watson, voormalig bestuurder van de Glasgow Caledonian University.
In 2006 heeft de LIBER Architecture group een artikel geschreven over dit
Informatie over dit Learning centrum is ook te vinden in de de folder (alleen in het Frans) :
De directeur van het toekomstige Rolex Center is erg geïnteresseerd in ons Xplora. Dit blijkt wel uit het mailtje dat ik gisteravond van hem kreeg:
"I have been watching the video. I will show it to my colleagues. It is really inspiring. Thank you so much, David Aymonin

Algemene informatie over dit centrum is te vinden op: http://learningcenter.epfl.ch
De missie en de aangeboden voorzieningen zijn te vinden via:
General remarks :
The entire building must be as flexible as possible on purpose to integrate new initiatives which are not very definite at present, or are rather unknown, linked to the social and technological evolutions in the 20-30 coming years.
At the other hand, in view of the size of investments and resulting impacts, the project for the new Rolex Learning Center must integrate the concern regarding construction compatible with sustainable development, as well as an energy strategy for the building though its site selection, orientation, volumetry, operation and materiality.
1. Library / scientific information areas (6.160 m2)
including : library reception, advice and bibliographic search , lending machines, multimedia library, group work and relaxation area, research collection, internal services for approx. 35-40 staff members
2. Teaching areas (1.150 m2), including : room for user-training and professional conferences, CRAFT offices (Centre de Recherche et d'Appui pour la Formation et ses Technologies), offices and reception of the Language and Multimedia Centre
3. Living areas (1.875 m2), including : main entrance hall, help desk (L.C. reception + Centralized information EPFL), meeting point, cybercafé, self-service cafeteria, upmarket restaurant, reception room, Agepoly boutique and office (student association), secretariat of EPFL Graduates' Association, merchandising boutique of EPFL
4. Cultural areas ( 1.690 m2) including : exhibitions, multipurpose areas, (conferences, entertainment, ...), multimedia bookshop, sale of entertainment tickets, PPUR (Presses Polytechniques Universitaires Romandes, the university press)
5. Service areas (3.500 m2) including : office material, post, deliveries, EPFL archives, building maintenance area, underground car park, outside car park
Total working areas : 14.375 m2
Er zijn gaten en hellingen in het Rolex Learning Center waardoor de ruimte lijkt op een landschap.

EPFL is een van de twee zwitserse Federal Instituties of Technology.
Het is een Multiculturele universiteit met:
5.000 studentens, 1600 PHD, 270 professords (FTE), 2500 staff.
Universiteit doet het erg goed bij de internationale rankings. Aanleidingen voor bouwproject is onder andere de grote toename van aantal studenten van 2.000 naar 7.000. Ambitie van universiteit is hoge kwaliteit van onderwijs.
Bij de bouw/inrichting is gekeken naar het Concept for 21ste Century Library opgesteld door Les Watson, voormalig bestuurder van de Glasgow Caledonian University.
In 2006 heeft de LIBER Architecture group een artikel geschreven over dit
Informatie over dit Learning centrum is ook te vinden in de de folder (alleen in het Frans) :
De directeur van het toekomstige Rolex Center is erg geïnteresseerd in ons Xplora. Dit blijkt wel uit het mailtje dat ik gisteravond van hem kreeg:
"I have been watching the video. I will show it to my colleagues. It is really inspiring. Thank you so much, David Aymonin
Personnel Planning in the national Library in the Netherlands / Dick Langbroek, Koninklijke Bibliotheek.
De KB zit met personeelsplanningsproblemen veroorzaakt door vergrijzing personeel en daarnaast de economische crisis.
Zij worden geconfronteerd met de volgende dilemma's:
* Short term: cut backs.
* Long term: shortage of staff.
* Therefore: invest now in development of talent.
Average age of personnel in 2007:
- The Netherlands 39.8
- KB 45.0
- Education 43.4
- Government 42.1
Door de opbouw van het personeelsbestand op dit moment nog te veel personeel maar binnen niet al te lange tijd een groot tekort aan personeel. Daarom noodzaak voor opzetten van strategische personeelsplanning project
Necessity for strategic personnel planning
* Recruitment problematic.
* Low mobility.
* High average age.
* Change in content of work, such as:
- digitisation;
- e-Depot;
- more work on project basis.
4 stappen geïdentificeerd:
1. Make an overview of the current composition of staff;
2. Make an overview of the required staff in 2 years’ time and in 5 years’ time;
3. Identify bottlenecks;
4. Draw up an action plan and carry this out.
Er zijn onder de managers Interviews gehouden en op basis van de uitkomsten zijn een aantal bottlenecks vastgesteld
Interview: questions to managers
* Which staff members cannot be missed?
* Which staff members are your talent, and why? Which staff members are not productive?
* Do you have enough staff for the amount of work?
* Does the staff have the required qualifications?
* Where do you expect shifts to occur in tasks and content of work, and what will these be
a. in 2 years’ time?
b. in 5 years’ time?
Results 2007
* High average age.
* Too little increase of younger members of staff.
* No management potential.
* Many members of staff regard their managers as responsible for their careers instead of themselves.
* Too little expertise in house for the digital library in 2015.
Plan in 3 parts
1. Start with a trainee group + management trainee programme;
2. Pay attention structurally to individual career issues;
3. Create a career service position within the KB.
Probleem was dat potentials vrijwel allemaal tijdelijke contracten hadden. Dit probleem is opgelost door contract aan te bieden.
Procedure and Phasing personal planning
* Classification staff, ready 1-1-2008.
* Start trainee programme, January 2008.
* Career facilities, from 1 January 2008:
. Career scan;
. Training;
. Stages, secondment;
. Intensify MD programme
Aims trainee programme
* By means of the TP the KB wishes to retain young, talented members of staff.
* The programme offers young staff members a unique chance to develop themselves (further) both professionally and personally for two years.
* Getting acquainted with the KB.
* Strategy and policy.
* Organisation studies and projects in organisations.
* Innovation and knowledge management
Four training sessions of 4 half days each, aimed at:
- Personal effectiveness;
- Communication;
- Project leadership;
- Personal leadership.
Management trainee programme
For talented personnel with management potential who have been employed for 5 years on average.
Working 4_days/week;
1/2 day per week programme:
- Project leadership;
- Personal leadership;
- Communication.
Start in 2008 on individual basis:
- Expand directions for solution;
- Concrete steps: training/stage/dismissal….
Spring 2009 start Career Service Centre: aimed at groups of personnel whose work will change fundamentally.
Voor medewerkers die aan het eind van ontwikkeling zitten en verder willen, wordt binnen of buiten de KB nieuwe taken/functie gezocht. Vaak in gebied van digitalisering. Dit draagt weer bij aan verdere ontwikkeling van digitale bibliotheek van de KB
Career facilities
Start in 2008 on individual basis:
- Expand directions for solution;
- Concrete steps: training/stage/dismissal….
Spring 2009 start Career Service Centre: aimed at groups of personnel whose work will change fundamentally.
Results personal planning programme
* Average age has decreased by 1 year
- 2006: 45.15
- 2007: 45.03
- 2008: 44.09
* Trainees: all still employed, 5 to management.
* Outflow of individual staff members: 12 persons.
* The beginning of a culture change.
* The digital library requires “digital” personnel:
- Externally focused;
- Internet generation;
- Analytical;
- International.
* The battle for future personnel has started!
* Cooperate on national and international level to develop and retain talent for scientific libraries.
Zij worden geconfronteerd met de volgende dilemma's:
* Short term: cut backs.
* Long term: shortage of staff.
* Therefore: invest now in development of talent.
Average age of personnel in 2007:
- The Netherlands 39.8
- KB 45.0
- Education 43.4
- Government 42.1
Door de opbouw van het personeelsbestand op dit moment nog te veel personeel maar binnen niet al te lange tijd een groot tekort aan personeel. Daarom noodzaak voor opzetten van strategische personeelsplanning project
Necessity for strategic personnel planning
* Recruitment problematic.
* Low mobility.
* High average age.
* Change in content of work, such as:
- digitisation;
- e-Depot;
- more work on project basis.
4 stappen geïdentificeerd:
1. Make an overview of the current composition of staff;
2. Make an overview of the required staff in 2 years’ time and in 5 years’ time;
3. Identify bottlenecks;
4. Draw up an action plan and carry this out.
Er zijn onder de managers Interviews gehouden en op basis van de uitkomsten zijn een aantal bottlenecks vastgesteld
Interview: questions to managers
* Which staff members cannot be missed?
* Which staff members are your talent, and why? Which staff members are not productive?
* Do you have enough staff for the amount of work?
* Does the staff have the required qualifications?
* Where do you expect shifts to occur in tasks and content of work, and what will these be
a. in 2 years’ time?
b. in 5 years’ time?
Results 2007
* High average age.
* Too little increase of younger members of staff.
* No management potential.
* Many members of staff regard their managers as responsible for their careers instead of themselves.
* Too little expertise in house for the digital library in 2015.
Plan in 3 parts
1. Start with a trainee group + management trainee programme;
2. Pay attention structurally to individual career issues;
3. Create a career service position within the KB.
Probleem was dat potentials vrijwel allemaal tijdelijke contracten hadden. Dit probleem is opgelost door contract aan te bieden.
Procedure and Phasing personal planning
* Classification staff, ready 1-1-2008.
* Start trainee programme, January 2008.
* Career facilities, from 1 January 2008:
. Career scan;
. Training;
. Stages, secondment;
. Intensify MD programme
Aims trainee programme
* By means of the TP the KB wishes to retain young, talented members of staff.
* The programme offers young staff members a unique chance to develop themselves (further) both professionally and personally for two years.
* Getting acquainted with the KB.
* Strategy and policy.
* Organisation studies and projects in organisations.
* Innovation and knowledge management
Four training sessions of 4 half days each, aimed at:
- Personal effectiveness;
- Communication;
- Project leadership;
- Personal leadership.
Management trainee programme
For talented personnel with management potential who have been employed for 5 years on average.
Working 4_days/week;
1/2 day per week programme:
- Project leadership;
- Personal leadership;
- Communication.
Start in 2008 on individual basis:
- Expand directions for solution;
- Concrete steps: training/stage/dismissal….
Spring 2009 start Career Service Centre: aimed at groups of personnel whose work will change fundamentally.
Voor medewerkers die aan het eind van ontwikkeling zitten en verder willen, wordt binnen of buiten de KB nieuwe taken/functie gezocht. Vaak in gebied van digitalisering. Dit draagt weer bij aan verdere ontwikkeling van digitale bibliotheek van de KB
Career facilities
Start in 2008 on individual basis:
- Expand directions for solution;
- Concrete steps: training/stage/dismissal….
Spring 2009 start Career Service Centre: aimed at groups of personnel whose work will change fundamentally.
Results personal planning programme
* Average age has decreased by 1 year
- 2006: 45.15
- 2007: 45.03
- 2008: 44.09
* Trainees: all still employed, 5 to management.
* Outflow of individual staff members: 12 persons.
* The beginning of a culture change.
* The digital library requires “digital” personnel:
- Externally focused;
- Internet generation;
- Analytical;
- International.
* The battle for future personnel has started!
* Cooperate on national and international level to develop and retain talent for scientific libraries.
Driving cultural change: Challenges and opportunities facing librarians door Wendy White
Interessant model voor kijken naar omgeving: The cultural web. (Johnson, G., Scholes, K., Whittington, R. Exploring corporate strategy, 7th ed. Harlow : FT/Prentice Hall, 2006. p. 201.)
Model: The cultural web

Vertaling van bovenstaande model gemaakt naar de eigen organisatie. Getsrt is met de gewenste situatie en daarna de huidige situatie. Centraal in het midden in het model is: ""The research process is for all versus The research process is for researchers.
Hudige situatie: onderzoeker centraal

Gewenste situatie: onderzoeksproces centraal

De rol, van de bibliothecaris: Hoe kunnen ze skills ontwikkelen voor optimaal ondersteunen van onderzoeksproces:
The role of the librarian
* Identifying partners
- Through citation analysis
- Through scholar profiles
- By using bibliographic databases
* Providing pathways to information
-Promoting effective searching
-Information skills training
- High visibility of quality resources
- Provision of “value-added” functionality
+ saved searches, alerts, RSS feeds
+ personalisation, tagging, ratings
* Removing barriers
- Single sign-on, IP address recognition, proxy servers, Athens/Shibboleth
* Encouraging collaborative working
- Communication: Blogs, microblogs, instant messaging
- Shared research
+ References: EndNote Web, Connotea, RefShare
+ Bookmarks: Del.icio.us, iBreadcrumbs
- Collaborative authoring
+ Google Docs, Wikis
- Social networks
+ Facebook, Elgg. SciVee (multimedia social research tool)
* Facilitating dissemination
- Providing journal ranking information
- Supporting Open Access options: Article Processing Charges, repositories
- Web based publishing: YouTube, SciVee
- Advising on Intellectual Property Rights: Copyright, Licences, Contracts
Nu staat theoretisch alles op een rijtje maar nu de praktijk! Hoe krijg je dit op een innovatieve manier onder de aandacht.
Ze hebben in second life een soort tuin met paden gemaakt waarlangs iedereen langs kan lopen en geholpen wordt. Ook is het mogelijk partners te ontmoeten.
Library in second life

Model ontwikkeld waaraan nieuwe bibliothecarissen nodig hebben.
Buitenste ring: algemene biblitheemedewerkers
Binnenste ring: directeuren

Belangrijkste kenmerken voor nieuwe bibliothecaris zijn:
Key Point
- Responsive – changing requirements and technologies
- Content – knowledge of resources
- Integration
- Skills – developing
- Flexibility – variety of approaches
- Collaboration – with Schools/IT
- Technology – experiment
- Commitment – learning process
Model: The cultural web
Vertaling van bovenstaande model gemaakt naar de eigen organisatie. Getsrt is met de gewenste situatie en daarna de huidige situatie. Centraal in het midden in het model is: ""The research process is for all versus The research process is for researchers.
Hudige situatie: onderzoeker centraal
Gewenste situatie: onderzoeksproces centraal
De rol, van de bibliothecaris: Hoe kunnen ze skills ontwikkelen voor optimaal ondersteunen van onderzoeksproces:
The role of the librarian
* Identifying partners
- Through citation analysis
- Through scholar profiles
- By using bibliographic databases
* Providing pathways to information
-Promoting effective searching
-Information skills training
- High visibility of quality resources
- Provision of “value-added” functionality
+ saved searches, alerts, RSS feeds
+ personalisation, tagging, ratings
* Removing barriers
- Single sign-on, IP address recognition, proxy servers, Athens/Shibboleth
* Encouraging collaborative working
- Communication: Blogs, microblogs, instant messaging
- Shared research
+ References: EndNote Web, Connotea, RefShare
+ Bookmarks: Del.icio.us, iBreadcrumbs
- Collaborative authoring
+ Google Docs, Wikis
- Social networks
+ Facebook, Elgg. SciVee (multimedia social research tool)
* Facilitating dissemination
- Providing journal ranking information
- Supporting Open Access options: Article Processing Charges, repositories
- Web based publishing: YouTube, SciVee
- Advising on Intellectual Property Rights: Copyright, Licences, Contracts
Nu staat theoretisch alles op een rijtje maar nu de praktijk! Hoe krijg je dit op een innovatieve manier onder de aandacht.
Ze hebben in second life een soort tuin met paden gemaakt waarlangs iedereen langs kan lopen en geholpen wordt. Ook is het mogelijk partners te ontmoeten.
Library in second life
Model ontwikkeld waaraan nieuwe bibliothecarissen nodig hebben.
Buitenste ring: algemene biblitheemedewerkers
Binnenste ring: directeuren
Belangrijkste kenmerken voor nieuwe bibliothecaris zijn:
Key Point
- Responsive – changing requirements and technologies
- Content – knowledge of resources
- Integration
- Skills – developing
- Flexibility – variety of approaches
- Collaboration – with Schools/IT
- Technology – experiment
- Commitment – learning process
woensdag 1 juli 2009
Cool, concise, and contemporary: A recommender system for scholarly articles -
The Web became multi-directional. Je kunt informatie op verschillende manieren presenteren (bijv amazon.com). Gestart werd met een overzicht van de mogelijkheden voor gebruikers van Amazon.com.
Voor Amazon.com is belangrijk:
-Better understanding of users, Better tailoring of services and more sales
Voor gebruikers is belangrijk:
-Easier to evaluate materials, easier to find related materials and Fun
Twee typen bijdrages van gebruikers:
Expliciet en impliciet
Explicit user contribution
-Citations, Reviews, Tags, Rating
…Inspired by the success of Amazon, several organizations have created comment sites where scientists can share their opinions of scientific papers. Perhaps the best known was Nature’s 2006 trial of open commentary on papers undergoing
peer review at the journal (see Physics World January 2007 pp29—30). The trial was not a success, as Nature’s final report explained: “There was a significant level of expressed interest in open peer review. A small majority of those authors who did
participate received comments, but typically very few, despite significant Web traffic. Most comments were not technically substantive. Feedback suggests that there is a marked reluctance among researchers to offer open comments.”
Nielsen, M. (2009) Doing Science in the Open. physicsworld.com http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/indepth/38904
Implicit user contribution
• Circulation data
• Clickstreams, recording a search process
• Actions Item viewed, Item downloaded, Item sent, Item bookmarked, Item printed, Item stored
Potential use of implicit contribution
• Collection development
• Evaluation
• Trend analysis
• Relevance ranking
• Recommendations
Evaluation based on use?
• Shifting from authorship to readership
• Providing timely evaluation
• Covering new types of materials
Not instead of other measurements. In addition to them!!!
Challenges are:
• Privacy
• Comprehensiveness
• Validity
• Standardization
• Volume
First, count consistently!
Verschillende projecten worden besproken waarmee je gebruik van publicaties via
netwerk kunt meten.
COUNTER Counting online uses of NeTworked online resources
Publisher-led initiative
• Started in 2002
• 100 compliant vendors
• 15,000+ full text journals
• Defined reports and code of practice
Then, derive metrics for scholarly evaluation
Usage Factor =
Total usage over period ‘x’ of articles published during period ‘y’ : Total articles published during period ‘y’
Next Project Steps
• Developing a program of data modelling and analysis
• Identifying potential candidate metrics for longer term scaled up testing
Evaluation Metrics
Comparisons made with citation-based data:
1. Popularity: number of links/connections to/from the journal
2. Shortest Path: network distance and strength
3. Prestige: number of prestigious journals that link to the journal
Bovenstaande in Comparisons made with citation-based data
What is bX?
• A new recommender service for scholarly materials, primarily articles
• Derives from the Los Alamos research
• Built on the OpenURL framework: based on data mining and structural analysis of aggregated link resolver logs
• Hosted service
• Released (beta) in May 2009.
Available now!
Link resolver logs?
• Link resolver logs serve as a good basis
• Represent users’ information-seeking paths in a standardized way
• Are across information providers
• Are across institutions
• Furthermore, there are many of them
Er werden voorbeelden getoond van zoeken in Ex Libris, Scopes, Google Scholar, Ebsco
To make a long story short…
• Data is harvested from link resolver logs through OAI protocol for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH)
• A structure describing relationships between scholarly materials is created
• A list of recommended materials is generated per request
“The Web, they say, is leaving the era of search and entering one of discovery. What's the difference? Search is what you do when you're looking for something. Discovery is when something wonderful that you didn't know existed, or didn't know how to ask for, finds you.“
Jeffrey M. O’Brien, "The race to create a 'smart' Google“
Voor Amazon.com is belangrijk:
-Better understanding of users, Better tailoring of services and more sales
Voor gebruikers is belangrijk:
-Easier to evaluate materials, easier to find related materials and Fun
Twee typen bijdrages van gebruikers:
Expliciet en impliciet
Explicit user contribution
-Citations, Reviews, Tags, Rating
…Inspired by the success of Amazon, several organizations have created comment sites where scientists can share their opinions of scientific papers. Perhaps the best known was Nature’s 2006 trial of open commentary on papers undergoing
peer review at the journal (see Physics World January 2007 pp29—30). The trial was not a success, as Nature’s final report explained: “There was a significant level of expressed interest in open peer review. A small majority of those authors who did
participate received comments, but typically very few, despite significant Web traffic. Most comments were not technically substantive. Feedback suggests that there is a marked reluctance among researchers to offer open comments.”
Nielsen, M. (2009) Doing Science in the Open. physicsworld.com http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/indepth/38904
Implicit user contribution
• Circulation data
• Clickstreams, recording a search process
• Actions Item viewed, Item downloaded, Item sent, Item bookmarked, Item printed, Item stored
Potential use of implicit contribution
• Collection development
• Evaluation
• Trend analysis
• Relevance ranking
• Recommendations
Evaluation based on use?
• Shifting from authorship to readership
• Providing timely evaluation
• Covering new types of materials
Not instead of other measurements. In addition to them!!!
Challenges are:
• Privacy
• Comprehensiveness
• Validity
• Standardization
• Volume
First, count consistently!
Verschillende projecten worden besproken waarmee je gebruik van publicaties via
netwerk kunt meten.
COUNTER Counting online uses of NeTworked online resources
Publisher-led initiative
• Started in 2002
• 100 compliant vendors
• 15,000+ full text journals
• Defined reports and code of practice
Then, derive metrics for scholarly evaluation
Usage Factor =
Total usage over period ‘x’ of articles published during period ‘y’ : Total articles published during period ‘y’
Next Project Steps
• Developing a program of data modelling and analysis
• Identifying potential candidate metrics for longer term scaled up testing
Evaluation Metrics
Comparisons made with citation-based data:
1. Popularity: number of links/connections to/from the journal
2. Shortest Path: network distance and strength
3. Prestige: number of prestigious journals that link to the journal
Bovenstaande in Comparisons made with citation-based data
What is bX?
• A new recommender service for scholarly materials, primarily articles
• Derives from the Los Alamos research
• Built on the OpenURL framework: based on data mining and structural analysis of aggregated link resolver logs
• Hosted service
• Released (beta) in May 2009.
Available now!
Link resolver logs?
• Link resolver logs serve as a good basis
• Represent users’ information-seeking paths in a standardized way
• Are across information providers
• Are across institutions
• Furthermore, there are many of them
Er werden voorbeelden getoond van zoeken in Ex Libris, Scopes, Google Scholar, Ebsco
To make a long story short…
• Data is harvested from link resolver logs through OAI protocol for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH)
• A structure describing relationships between scholarly materials is created
• A list of recommended materials is generated per request
“The Web, they say, is leaving the era of search and entering one of discovery. What's the difference? Search is what you do when you're looking for something. Discovery is when something wonderful that you didn't know existed, or didn't know how to ask for, finds you.“
Jeffrey M. O’Brien, "The race to create a 'smart' Google“
The role of libraries in scholarly communication in High energy Physics
Robert Aymar, Director-General CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Genève
Interessante presentatie. De link naar zijn powerpoint blijkt niet te werken. Hij heeft wel een artikel geschreven over hetzelfde onderwerp.
Scholarly communication in High-Energy Physics: past, present and future innovations.
Interessante presentatie. De link naar zijn powerpoint blijkt niet te werken. Hij heeft wel een artikel geschreven over hetzelfde onderwerp.
Scholarly communication in High-Energy Physics: past, present and future innovations.
16 European academic research libraries setting up Subject-oriented Portal: How the NEEO Project has written a new page in the Open Access Story /Béné
Presentatie over het NEEO project. Doel van dit project doel is het zichtbaar maken van Economische publicaties in een open archives. Vraag hierbij nis: bij wie ligt rol voor opzetten open archieven: bij onderzoekers of bibliotheken. Er doen 16 Europese universiteiten aan mee en het initiatief komt vanuit de bibliotheken.
Enkjele kengetallen:
* er werken 2.300 economen in NEEO instituten
* 900 auteurs doen mee
* Objecten: 50.000 metadatarecords, 15.000 full-text recortds.
Wat is tot op heden bereikt:
> 44.000 metadata recors
> 17.300 fullt text records
Is een groot project bestaande uit diverse werkpakketten. Informatie over dit project is te vinden op: http://www.neeoproject.eu/
Door dit project, ook wel economistsonline, wordt in elk geval duidelijk zichtbaar welke rolde bibliotheek heeft bij het opzetten van open archives.
Ook de Universiteitsbibliotheek van Tilburg neemt deel aan het project:
Enkjele kengetallen:
* er werken 2.300 economen in NEEO instituten
* 900 auteurs doen mee
* Objecten: 50.000 metadatarecords, 15.000 full-text recortds.
Wat is tot op heden bereikt:
> 44.000 metadata recors
> 17.300 fullt text records
Is een groot project bestaande uit diverse werkpakketten. Informatie over dit project is te vinden op: http://www.neeoproject.eu/
Door dit project, ook wel economistsonline, wordt in elk geval duidelijk zichtbaar welke rolde bibliotheek heeft bij het opzetten van open archives.
Ook de Universiteitsbibliotheek van Tilburg neemt deel aan het project:
Europeana: Innovation Through collaboration? / Jill Cousins, Europeana
Leuk Europees project. Europeana - a place for inspiration and ideas. Search through the cultural collections of Europe, connect to other user pathways and share your discoveries. Een site vol met plaatsjes, tekst, video's en geluidsfragmenten.
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