dinsdag 14 februari 2012

Understanding student use of digital learning resources

Alan Wolf ea university of Wisconsin-Medison
Dinsdag 14 February 2012: 13:30

Onderzoek onder zowel docenten als studenten

De feitelijke onderzoeks resultaten gingen wat snel voor een goed verslag. Als gevonden voeg ik ze alsnog toe.

Wel enkele dingen alvast om te delen:

Conclusions about faculty:
- data are still relevant - instructors change more slowly than the educational landscape
- need activation to overcome barriers and encourage adoption
- knowing about & valuing resources does not always lead to (proper) use.
- .....

What instructors think of student use of resources?
This question always spark debate
BUT ..
For those who would like student use of digital (learning) resources supervised ...... it is to late !!!!!

Students use of digital resources -->> qualitative findings:
- students making far more independent use of digital resources than anticipated
- students desire content that is well organized
- .....

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