donderdag 21 januari 2010

The world is open

Curtis Bonk, Indiana University
ELI Annual Meeting 2010

In his book, The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education, Curt Bonk offers an intriguing look at 10 technology trends that he calls educational openers. When combined, the first letter of each opener spells the acronym WE ALL LEARN. This model helps make sense of the role of various technologies in open education and participatory environments, including e-books, podcasts, streamed videos, open courseware, online learning portals, social networking tools like Facebook and Ning, YouTube videos, wikis, and virtual worlds. Clearly, technology-based learning continues to open new learning pathways for all the connected learners of this planet. At the same time, thousands of organizations and individuals are sharing their course materials, expertise, and instructional ideas globally, thereby expanding learning opportunities and resources even further. As this occurs, members of the media, politicians, educators, students, parents, and others are asking important questions about the quality of such contents.

Dit zijn de 10 trends die Bonk onderscheidt:
  1. Web Searching in the World of e-Books
  2. E-Learning and Blended Learning
  3. Availability of Open Source and Free Software
  4. Leveraged Resources and OpenCourseWare
  5. Learning Object Repositories and Portals
  6. Learner Participation in Open Information Communities
  7. Electronic Collaboration
  8. Alternate Reality Learning
  9. Real-Time Mobility and Portability
  10. Networks of Personalized Learning
Bonk illustreert elke trend met aansprekende voorbeelden in het onderwijs. Zijn boodschap is dat het hoger onderwijs als gevolg van deze ontwikkeling snel verandert.

Presentatie is beschikbaar op

"Anyone can now learn anything from anyone at anytime."

1 opmerking:

Hanneke van Riel zei

Veel informatie over maar vooral ook van Bonk is te vinden:
- in artkel in 'Inside the school'via deze link
- op zijn blog/website
- op de site

De slides van zijn presentatie heb ik nog niet kunnen vinden!