Conversational capacity is the ability to orchestrate open, balanced, learning-focused dialogue under pressure. It is a core competency for any professional, team or organization dealing with tough challenges. The tougher the predicament, the more conversational capacity needed to effectively address the issues at handeld. It is the ability to have open, balanced, non-defensive dialogue about difficult subjects, and in challenging situations. It means that you stay learning focussed in difficult situations. Stay grounded in the 'sweet spot'. Twee belangrijke elementen hierin: anger/avoid and things like that against curiosity. Het begint natuurlijk met het herkennen van deze dingen die je dus uit de productieve sweetspot halen. Het heft alles te maken met het doel: make informed effective choices
Enkele eenvoudige vaardigheden gericht op het terug blijven gaan/blijven in de sweet spot
Aan de 'anger/avoid site'
1) avoid position ping pong, clear the position
2) make the thinking explicit
Aan the curious site:
3) test/check your hypothese
4) inquire the ideas of the other
Change the discourse from 'me versus you' ... To ... What is the issue and can we resolve it together ...
It all has to do with: learning to work effectively together as we meat our most troublesome issues and challenges.
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