LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) Conference, Toulouse 30 juni-3 juli 2009: Innovation Through Collaboration
Making a Case for a Positive Future: Libraries at the strategic Heart of University Activity supporting Research and Education.In een bloedhete collegezaal (zelfs om 10.00 uur in de ochtend) moesten deelnemers eerst met onbekenden gaan overleggen over wat de verwachtingen waren van de Masterclass. Daarna plenaire terugkoppeling. Het duurde al met al 30 minuten voordat de Masterclass echt begon. Tijdens RLUK (samenwerkingsverband in UK van universiteitsbibliotheken) zijn in
Workshop in oktober 2008 8 key issues geïdentificeerd:
* How to justify yourself
* Hood to increase visible presence
* How to become better advocates
* How to keep on developing
Er zijn 4 levels in becoming strategic Heart of University Activity supporting Research and Education:
1) Government
2) University
3) Faculty department
4) Scholars en students
1) Gouvernement
* economic impact
* Employability impact
* Collaboration and shared services
* international performance comparisons
* common acmes standards
2) University
* National and international student surveys
* New roles - institutional archive and data repository
* identify impacts on student admissions and quality of learningattract external funding
3) Faculty/department
* staff training for digital effectiveness
* attraction of collections
* customer focus
* higher impact research profile
4) Scholars en students
* personalising and individualising services
* improving remote access
* promoting information literacy
* impact on research and degree completion Support to libraries
* Part of strategic plan* champion and sponsors for this at Board level
* "Think Tank" established
Focus bij strategische ondersteuning van bibliotheken:
* Vice chancellors
* Employability
* REF Contribution
* Students satisfaction
* Marketing and communication
Prioriteit bij ondersteuning van bibliotheken
* Getting the evidence
* telling good stories
* marketing the contribution professionally
* identify best practice indicators
* Engage consultant
* Paper - February 2009
* value and Impact Demonstration - Group May 2009
* Think tank - August 2009
Emerging Approach:
* Assemble evidence
* Deploy persuasively
* Commission with different scenario's
Supporting a Library Process:
* clarifying the vision
* Identifying the continuing mission
* Linking the future purpose of the university( Working with different scenario's)
Supporting a Library: Outcomes:
* Agreed vision
* Key strategic themes identified
* Key strategic aims identified